Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Buzz catches gmail users unaware

The other day I was going through a thread on my Buzz and I was amused to read the conversation happening between 2-3 people (incidentally I just know one person from the list). The person in question was confused on this sudden flood of threads happening in his Gmail and the other two people took a dig on him on how easily they have entered in his email space and very soon based on next feature rolled out (by google) they would be able to open his emails too! A little far fetched but it highlights the main pain points which users like him and me are facing.  One of the main problems that I have noticed in Buzz is the sudden slur of threads that have started off without my knowing. One fine day I wake up to see 10 people following me and surprisingly I was also following somjavascript:void(0)e 20 odd guys! How did I follow them - I have no clue.

Hopefully Google will solve these. As I read, Google is already taking steps to fix this issue. But the bigger challenge for Google would be to make the entire 'gmail integrated' buzz thing less intimidating and more user friendly to understand what's going around. 

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